is a creation in 12 episodes: 10 trailers, a no. 0 and episode no. 1, public meetings and films.
Episode n°1 forms the last stage of the project that has developed through the creations of the Bande-annonces and N°0. At the Halle aux Grains/Scène Nationale de Blois, N°1 is proposed as the launch of a serial with everything that is at stake during a First Night. An ideal situation to test the greatest common degree of freedom.
- Experimentation of working procedures that use the hypnotic tool and activities inside and outside the theatre: shooting fictions in various places, night-time picnics in the hall, electric bass lessons in the cellars, production of panoplies on the stage and in the room transformed into an immense fitting room with subdued lighting and foliage plants “borrowed” from congresses… These shared experiences of modes of perception and habitation of the place offer the means of appropriating it physically by investing it with an imagination that will act as an anchor for improvisation.
- The recruitment of a group of bearded spectators-supporting actors as fans.
- The creation of Bio-Perf and information provided to spectators on this new label given to shows and performances satisfy responsible development criteria such as the use of recycling, the quality of performer catering, the quantity of CO2 given off during the representation, the limitation in number of intermediaries, etc.
- The transformation of the theatre into a vast vessel where everything interacts and where performers improvise an unlikely narrative. This visual navigation at times requires the intervention of the crew members who inform, reassure or, on the contrary provide confusion or distraction for the spectators embarked on this hypnotico-heterotopic adventure.
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno
images : Catherine Contour / Inès Moreno