trad-uire (trans-late)- invitation to a moment of exchanges between artists, an event set up by C. Contour as part of her association with the TNT/Bordeaux, was held from 27 May to 8 June 2002 and brought together 14 artists and an art critic-curator-researcher.
trad-uire is part of the meetings between artists initated by Alain Michard with Tollé (Outcry) at the CCNRB in 1998 and the invitation by Loïc Touzé and Larys Frogier to Déplacer (Move) at La Criée in Rennes in April 2000.
The artists, essentially hailing from the choreographic domain, were invited to meet to discuss their methods, their motivation to dance, the underlying problems of their works, modes of representation and means of production. Each artist proposed a viewing of his/her work and an exchange around his/her approach, then going on to imagine a form of common meeting intended for the general public.
Running through trad-uire was the underlying theme of the different ways of approaching the question of translation and the notion of the intermediary.
Translation is considered according to different points of views and through original methods: the role of the interpreter, translation-treachery? Reassuming a role, from gesture to word, from word to movement, from foreign languages to foreign bodies...
With the translator as the starting point, the questioning continues through the figure of the mediator.
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants
Images : Carole Bodin, témoin-invitée et participants