…au bord de la nuit (..along the night) is an invitation to share an apparatus, a programme activated throughout one night.
A series of assemblages and constructions: tools, methods, theorems to pierce the night of some of our individual obscurantisms, sensitive and feverish architectural plans to live better in the world.
To believe that it is possible to invent different kinds of look-outs, to watch out for what can no longer be discerned, to search for what, in the twilight, can still be contemplated, measured, described…. felt.
Is to observe that there is an entire biology of perceptions turned towards the study of these “indirect moments” in which consciousness sinks or indeed awakens….
Moments that, whole days and nights long, organise in turn the inventory of what is real and the dreamy wanderings of rapid eye movement sleep.
Alain Goulesque, 25 June 2005 (extracts).