Édito (english)



1 March 2011

Today the place is developed through
question What would be to live in?
image of the body in a bathtub Imerge located aboard a boat floating on water

Nomad, it makes stopover where
the wind of the projects pushes it. 
This year, it docks in various locations for hosting the construction moving.
Royaumont, Sèvres, Lamelouze, New York, Varangeville-sur-mer, Paris, Aubervilliers, Rennes, Tizé, Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble, Siguer, Biarritz, Lausanne, Saint-Pierre-en-Diois.
Cultivating the Art of rest at the end of the diving board and elsewhere,
develop the hypnotic tool for creation,
transmit, share, explore,
accompany the passage of a special trance to dance
find an economy of means,
discover, collect bowls,
explore gardens, urban, rural territories,
travel, meet
and shockingly


9 February 2009


“(…) Why not draw up a diary of unexplored possibilities?

Open up experimental spaces promoting new modes of production where a variety of bodily practices and discourses can meet (aesthetic, philosophic, psychoanalytic, anthropological, etc.). Without fuss (…) in the intimacy of bodies. But nevertheless not exceeding the frontiers of experience.”

Laurence Louppe (Lygia Clark catalogue, 2005)


A place of welcome in nature: a domain, a garden, factories, paths

a refuge built from and around the object of a bowl

a laboratory for a human project*

an artistic creation project initiated by Catherine Contour


an experimental place for artistic and somatic practices, gardening, construction

a vast laboratory where you can think, meet up with, cultivate, float, taste, garden, forage, stroll…

a place of exchanges and meetings, reflections and research

a place where you can develop soma esthetics**

a place where you can develop tools for creation with artists, scientists, intellectuals, politicians, researchers from all disciplines

a place where you can bring together people from different generations whose experiences can mutually benefit each other.

a place whose esthetics is based on the quality of spaces, materials and objects with ecological and economic interests alike in collaboration with creators desirous of harmonious integration


The activities developed in the place by its creator and numerous guest personalities are structured around some main focuses:

• an experimental garden based on the concept of the garden in movement developed by Gilles Clément

• an architecture and design laboratory directed by its placing in a natural site and the specific consideration of the body in various types of meeting and exchange apparatus (factories)

• research residencies for artists and other performing arts creators (sound, visual arts, performance, graphic design, writing, architecture, design, landscape gardening, gardening, cooking, science, philosophy, sociology, etc.)

• documentary resources, a corpus linked to research residencies (archives, documents, constructions, experimentations, works, etc.) that could result in publications or events promoting their distribution

• somatic practice laboratories: Ericksonian hypnosis, energy practices (Qi Gong, Taï-Chi-Chuan), Body Mind Centering and Feldenkrais method, laboratories for research into creation tools and areas of free discussion between researchers in which each person works to satisfy their own intellectual curiosity

• support for the consultant artist activity developed by C.Contour

• a place where the Art of Relaxation can be developed


* Jardins contemporains, Monique Mosser/Hervé Brunon
** Conscience du corps -pour une soma-esthétique-, Richard Shusterman